This is a web-friendly copy of a help file I put together as a Time Line for Windows supplement while working for Symantec. Most of the writing is mine. It's raw and unedited by anyone other than myself.
I produced the original .HLP file for this project in 1993. The .HLP to HTML conversion that you are viewing now was a 'quicky' conversion, so a few minor cosmetic differences resulted from the conversion. For example, some indentation in the topics is lost, popup definitions go to another page instead of popping up a definition, and a few deeply-nested references don't link to their popup definitions, even though their underlined appearance implies a link.
Finally, the conversion process produced no glossary file, so the only way to see the glossary is one word at a time, by clicking on an underlined word.
Perhaps someday I'll spend time to correct these differences, but I don't plan to. The original contents are all here. You might even find a typo or two, but I'll bet not!
Distributing, Installing, and Using This Help Text
Crash Course
Customize Views of Schedule Data
Commonly Used Clicks and Keystrokes
Configuring for Printers/Plotters
Choosing the Right Fonts (very important!)
Printing/Plotting a Specific Date Range
Printing Problems and Solutions
App Notes
Installation of Time Line for Windows
Tips and Techniques In Time Line for Windows
Commonly Asked Questions, and Answers